Panda Cory Fact Sheet

The panda cory catfish is one of many hardy members of the corydoras genus. Corydoras catfish are ideal for beginners because they are small, lively and tolerant of a wide variety of water parameters. The panda cory catfish, with its adorably ursine markings, looks particularly stunning in a freshwater community aquarium. Before buying any of these enjoyable pets, know these important facts about panda corydoras catfish care.

Adult Fish Size
Adult panda corydoras cats stay small, never exceeding two inches.
Tank Size
This petite species can thrive in surprisingly small tanks. Five gallons is the bare minimum, but ten or more is best.
Like other cory catfish, panda cories inhabit the lower ranges of the aquarium.
Water pH
Panda cory cats can tolerate any pH between 6 and 7.5.
Water Parameters
Corydoras catfish are relatively forgiving of poor water parameters; they may tolerate nitrates as high as 40 ppm with few ill effects. It is best to keep nitrate levels below 30, with ammonia and nitrite undetectable.
As a tropical species, the panda cory catfish thrives at relatively high temperatures. Keep its tank betweeen 73 and 80 degrees.
Tank Set-Up
Introduce your panda cory cats to a lightly planted tank. They are diurnal and enjoy relatively bright lighting.
Social Behavior
Keep panda corydoras in small groups of 3-6 individuals. They may socialize with other cory species, but they do not do well when they are kept alone.
Feed your panda cory cats small, live food and sinking tablets. Some panda corydoras will eat flake food.

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