Pristella Tetra Fact Sheet

As an aquarist, I've always been fond of the small, peaceful tetra species. Recently, I've fallen in love with the pristella tetra, also known as the X-ray tetra. This tiny freshwater fish is hardy and peaceful. Though not as brightly colored as some other tetra species, the pristella is quick, active and beautiful in its simplicity.
Here is some information you may need to know before keeping pristella tetras.
Adult Size
Pristella tetras can grow to up to two inches, but some stay as small as one inch.
Tank Size
An advanced aquarist may be able to keep a healthy school of pristella tetras in a 5-gallon tank, provided it is well-filtered. Twenty gallons is a bare minimum for beginners; this allows fluctuations in water quality without significantly compromising the fish's health.
Social Behavior
Like most tetras, pristellas are very social. In order to thrive, pristella tetras must live in groups of five or more. Ten and over is ideal
Tank Mates
Pristellas are non-aggressive and live well in community tanks. Avoid keeping them with large, predator species; their small size makes them easy prey.
Life Span
A pristella tetra may live to be five years old, though many die prematurely.
The pristella tetra is a true omnivore; feed it omnivore flakes as a staple. They will also eat live plants, frozen food and live daphnia.
Pristella tetras won't usually breed by "accident", but you may get lucky. Females are a bit rounder than males and scatter eggs on plants.
Water Parameters
Keep pristella tetras in soft, slightly acidic waters; a pH of 6-8 is best. Nitrates should be below 20 ppm and ammonia should be undetectable.
Pristella tetras can tolerate a fairly wide range of temperatures, but thrive between 75-82 degrees. A heater is a must-have unless they are kept in a consistently warm room.
Some fish stores sell an albino pristella tetra, which might be sold as a "golden x-ray fish".

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