Platy Fact Sheet

Livebearing toothcarps like the platy are extremely popular among beginning fishkeepers. The platy fish is extremely hardy, inexpensive and easy to breed, and dozens of varieties exist. Platies were among the first fish that I kept when I first began fishkeeping, and they still remain one of my favorite species of ornamental fish.

These charming livebearers are easy to keep, but good care is still essential to help them thrive. This platy fish care sheet can help you establish a good home for your new fish.
Adult Size
An adult platy will usually grow to 1.5- 2 inches in length. Females are larger by about a half-inch.
Tank Size
Platy fish can thrive in relatively small tanks, but they should not be kept in anything less than ten gallons.
Social Behavior
Though not a true shoaling species, platy fish tend to do best in small groups. ideally, one male should be kept with two females. This prevents aggression between the boys.
Tank Mates
The platy is extremely peaceful and gets along well with other species. Do not keep platy fish with any species that is large or aggressive enough to harm them.
Life Span
Platy fish do not have particularly long lives; they rarely live more than two and a half to three years.
The platy is a true omnivore; it will eat fresh, frozen or flake food of any kind. Be sure to provide a varied diet.
Platy fish are easy to breed-- in fact, most fishkeepers have a hard time stopping them. The young are free-swimming as soon as they are born, but the parents will usually eat them unless they are separated or have plenty of hiding spaces.
Water Parameters
A platy will do best at a pH between 7-8. Keep ammonia levels undetectable and nitrate levels below 25 ppm. Platy fish can tolerate lightly brackish water if they are acclimated gradually.
Platy fish do not require a heater. Although the water temperature should remain stable, these fish can thrive at any temperature between 65-80 degrees.
Dozens, if not hundreds, of cultivated varities of platy fish exist. Red-wag, moon, sunset, Mickey Mouse, rainbow, calico, black, blue, tuxedo, albino, tiger and marble varieties are just a few. Many of these are the result of selective cross-breeding with related species like the molly and the swordtail.

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