Black Phantom Tetra Fact Sheet

As a long-term fishkeeper, I have always had a fondness for tetras. For years, I stayed away from black phantom tetras because they seemed uninteractive and dull, but I eventually realized thay they are surprisingly social and fun to watch when they are kept in good conditions. Like other tetras, black phantom tetras will only show their true colors-- literally and metaphorically-- when they are happy.
If you're interested in keeping black phantom tetras, consider these facts.
Adult Size
A healthy black phantom tetra may grow to about two inches in length.
Tank Size
Keep black phantom tetras in a 10-gallon tank or larger. Smaller tanks do not provide acceptable water quality for these relatively temperamental fish. They may hide in very large tanks exceeding 55 gallons.
Social Behavior
Black phantom tetras will only thrive when they are kept in shoaling groups. When kept in groups of 8 or more, they establish a pecking order and leave other aquarium inhabitants alone. They may become aggressive or sluggish if they are kept in excessively small groups.
Tank Mates
The black phantom tetra combines well with other tetra species of similar size. Neon tetras, pristella tetras and rummy-nose tetras get along with black phantom tetras and do not compete for space.
Life Span
Black phantom tetras live 2-5 years. Poor water quality, disease and predation may contribute to a tetra's premature demise.
These eager eaters will consume flake, frozen or live food. Feed a varied diet including a high-quality flake food, along with high-protein treats like bloodworm.
The black phantom tetra is extremely difficult to breed. The female scatters her eggs and the fry are very sensitive to poor water quality. Males become aggressive and more colorful when they are interested in mating.
Water Parameters
Black phantom tetras tolerate only a very narrow pH range, between 6.5-7. The water should have no detectable ammonia and nitrate levels below 15 ppm.
The black phantom tetra's natural range is tropical, but not excessively hot. They prefer a temperature of 71-78 degrees.
Breeders have successfully created long-finned strains of black phantom tetra.

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