Glofish Care Fact Sheet

The Glofish is a trademarked, genetically modified, highly controversial strain of zebra danio. Although environmentalists and animal rights activists have criticized the genetic modification of pets, Glofish now dominate the industry as the world's first and most popular GMO fish. If you are interested in keeping these beautifully fluorescent "frankenfish" in your own home, know these important facts about Glofish care.
Like the standard zebra danio, Glofish grow to approximately 2.5 inches in length.
Tank Size
Glofish are active swimmers. Provide them with at least 20 gallons of open space for swimming.
Zebra danio strains, including the Glofish, are most active in the middle and top strata of the fish tank.
Water pH
These hardy fish can thrive at any pH between 5.8 and 8.0.
Water Parameters
Glofish will tolerate nitrates as high as 40 ppm, but lower is always better. Keep ammonia and nitrite levels undetectable. They do not need or benefit from salt.
Your fish tank temperature should remain between 72-83 degrees to accommodate your Glofish.
Tank Set-Up
Black lights are a trendy way to emphasize the bright colors of this fish, but they are happiest in bright, fluorescent lighting. Maintain good circulation and plenty of open space for your Glofish to swim.
Social Behavior
Glofish and other zebra danios are inherently social animals. Keep them in schools of 6 or more individuals. Different colors of Glofish will school with one another, and they will also shoal with standard, gold, albino, blue and spotted zebra danios-- as well as long-finned varieties of each strain.
Glofish enjoy dry flakes and live food, provided they are of fine grade. Remember that these fish have small mouths.

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