Honey Gourami Fact Sheet

The honey gourami is less known than its close cousin, the dwarf gourami. When kept in poor conditions, this little labyrinth fish is colorless and dull. However, the males display beautiful coloration when they are kept in ideal conditions. If you are interested in caring for honey gouramis, educate yourself about their needs. Good conditions will improve the life span, color and behavior of this tiny aquatic gem.
An adult honey gourami will grow to roughly one and a half to two inches in length.
Tank Size
Honey gourami can thrive in surprisingly small tanks. Five gallons is minimal but acceptable.
The honey gourami roams the middle and upper strata of your aquarium.
Water pH
Honey gourami can tolerate a wide pH range between 6.0 and 8.0.
Water Parameters
These hardy fish look their best in low-nitrate waters, but they can tolerate levels as high as 90 ppm. Keep ammonia and nitrite levels undetectable.
A honey gourami wil lshow its best colors at a temperature of 72-82 degrees.
Tank Set-Up
Honey gourami prefer densely planted tanks with slow-moving water. Include plenty of floating and benthic plants.
Social Behaviors
Honey gourami do best in pairs with one male and one female. Do not keep them with other anabantids, such as bettas, or they may fight.
Your honey gourami fish will do best on fine-grade dry flake foods. Small live and frozen foods, including tubifex and bloodworm, are also acceptable.

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