Leopard Danio Fact Sheet

The leopard danio is an exotic-looking strain of the better-known zebra danio. In recent decades, scientists have changed the leopard danio's scientific classification several times. Although many consider it to be a breed or subspecies of the zebra danio, others consider it to be a separate species entirely. Leopard danio care is very easy, even for beginners; it is a robust, lively fish that is ideal for beginning aquarists.

Adult Size
Adult leopard danios grow to approximately 2.5 inches in length, but many never exceed 1.5 inches.
Minimum Tank Size
Leopard danios are extremely active and require large, open spaces for swimming. Keep leopard danios in a 20 gallon tank at minimum. Bigger is better.
The leopard danio dwells in the middle and top strata of an established aquarium.
Water pH
Leopard danios can tolerate any pH between 6.5 and 7.5, with 7.0 as the ideal target range.
Water Parameters
Leopard danios will do best in tanks with very low nitrate levels, below 20 ppm. Some domesticated strains can tolerate up to 40 ppm. Keep nitrite and ammonia levels undetectable at all times.
As a tropical species, the leopard danio thrives in warm waters between 72-82 degrees. They can live without a heater if your home stays consistently warm.
Tank Set-Up
Keep your leopard danios in bright lighting to bring out is vibrant colors and lively behavior. Offer plenty of wide, open spaces for this active fish to swim.
Social Behavior
Leopard danios are highly social; they must be kept in groups of 6 or more in order to thrive. They will eagerly school with similar fish, including long-finned, blue, zebra, albino, golden and silver danios.
The leopard danio can do well eating only flake foods, but it is best to offer live and freeze-dried treats as an occasional supplement.

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