Splash Tetra Flash Sheet

The splash tetra is a peaceful, long-finned fish prized for its elongated fins and beautiful coloration. These small, rosy fish originate in the densely planted streams of Guyana and thrive in a home aquarium. If you are considering splash tetras for your own home aquarium, educate yourself about splash tetra care. With proper care, these fish will display dazzling colors and entertaining behavior.

Adult splash tetras rarely exceed three inches in total length. They are a slim species.
Tank Size
Keep your pet splash tetra fish in at least a 10 gallon aquarium. A 20 gallon tank is better, and a large shoal requires 29 gallons or more.
Water pH
Splash tetras do best at a pH between 6.5 and 7.5.
Water Parameters
Keep splash tetras in an established aquarium with nitrate levels below 30 and ammonia levels as low as possible.
As a tropical species, the splash tetra will do best in a warm tank. The temperature should remain between 75 and 85 degrees to accommodate the needs of the species.
Maintain dense vegetation, with both floating and benthic plants. As the name suggests, the splash tetra is a jumper. Keep a tight-fitting cover on the tank.
Schooling Behavior
Like most other characins, the splash tetra is an schooling species. Keep it in pairs, or in groups of eight or more, at all times.
Splash tetras will eagerly accept flake food, but they should be given small live and frozen food about once a week.
There are no well-established domesticated forms of the splash tetra, but some have been selectively bred to have slightly longer fins or more vivid coloration.

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