Scissortail Rasbora Fact Sheet

The three-lined rasbora, also known as the scissortail rasbora, is commonly used as a freshwater ornamental fish. Although less visually impressive than some other cyprinid species, scissortail rasboras are easy to care for and compatible with almost any other freshwater species. If you are interested in keeping scissortail rasboras, know these facts about scissortail rasbora care.

Scissortail rasboras rarely exceed four inches in length, but some adults may grow to seven inches or more. Their adult size may vary significantly depending on water quality and genetics.
Tank Size
Keep your scissortail rasboras in an aquarium that is at least 29 gallons in size. These fish grow relatively large and thrive only in groups of five or more.
Like most other rasboras and danios, scissortail rasboras roam, swim and forage in the middle and upper regions of a fish tank.
Water pH
Maintain a pH between 6.0 and 8.0 in your fish tank. These hardy fish are not picky about water parameters.
Scissortail rasboras are a tropical species. They will do best in a tank between 73 and 81 degrees and require a heater to thrive.
Tank Set-Up
Provide your scissortail rasboras with a long tank, planted on each side. This provides openswimming space with the added benefit of live plants.
Scissortail rasboras enjoy a varied diet containing live, frozen and freeze-dried food. They are omnivorous.

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