Checkered Barb Fact Sheet

The checkered barb, a beautiful but modest aquarium fish, is not as popular as many other barb species. However, it can provide a fish tank with beautiful, lively activity and an array of interesting colors. If you want to keep checkered barb fish in your own aquarium or fish tank, consider these important facts about checkered barb fish care.

Adult checkered barbs grow to be two inches in length.
Minimum Tank Size
Because of its relatively small stature, the checkered barb can thrive in relatively small tanks. A small school of checkered barbs can thrive in a 20 gallon aquarium.
Your checkered barb fish will generally swim and eat in the bottom and middle ranges in the aquarium.
Water Parameters
Keep your checkered barbs in waters with a pH between 6 and 7.5. Ammonia should be undetectable, and nitrates should remain below 30 at all times.
Checkered barbs are tropical fish. Keep them in a tank between 72-82 degrees at all times.
Social Behavior
Keep checkered barbs in groups of five or more individuals. This minimizes aggressive behavior and keeps them happy and healthy.
Checkered barbs thrive in loosely planted tanks with soft substrate.
The checkerd barb is a true omnivore. Feed it fine-grade foods including both plant and animal-based products. Flake, frozen and live food are all acceptable.

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