Rummynose Tetra Fact Sheet

The rummy-nose tetra fish, so named for its bright-red facial markings, can thrive in a beginner's fish tank. Rummy-nose tetras are hardy and forgiving of inconsistent water parameters, and they can do well in surprisingly small tanks. Know these important facts about rummy-nose tetras if you are interested in keeping tese beautiful fish in your own home aquarium.

Adult Size
When it reaches its adult size, a rummy-nose tetra may be nearly two inches long. Others never exceed one inch.
Minimum Tank Size
Provide your school of rummy-nose tetra fish with at least 10 gallons of fresh, clean water. Larger tanks are better.
The rummy-nose tetra inhabits the middle regions of the fish tank.
Water pH
Keep your rummy-nose tetra fish in slightly acidic water between 5.0 and 6.5.
Water Parameters
To thrive, rummy-nose tetras should be kept in a tank with undetectable ammonia levels and nitrates below 30 ppm.
The rummy-nose tetra is a tropical species. Keept your temperature between 73-85 degrees.
Arrange your tank in dark colors to enhance your rummy-nose tetra's appearance. Plants are ideal.
Social Behavior
Like most tetras, rummy-nose tetras are a schooling species. Keep them in groups of six or more.
A rummy-nose tetra will gladly accept most kinds of fine-grain foods, including flake and freeze-dried staples. Live and frozen food can be an acceptable treat.


  1. Many people say they are sensitive & that has been my experience as well.

    1. I've just found that out myself, out of 8 I've got 1 left

  2. I've just put one in a new tank and it lasted 3 mins

  3. I agree. They are quite sensitive to change. They need to be slowly acclimated and kept as calm as possible. This is no easy task. After the move to your tank, those who survive seem quite happy after a bit. They stay together and need a school of at least 6. I bought 9 but only 5 survived. They are enjoying life. Now.
