Upside-Down Catfish Fact Sheet

Upside-down catfish are among the most enjoyable bottom-dwelling fish available for the home aquarium. These spotted catfish remain small and entertain their keepers with their unconventionalswimming patterns. Although less common than some other ornamental catfish, the upside-down catfish deserves a second look as a member of a home aquarium. If you want to keep upside-down catfish in your own tank, know these facts about upside-down catfish care.

Adult Size
In general, an upside-down catfish will not exceed four inches in total adult length. Water conditions and tank size may play a role in the fish's adult size.
Tank Size
Keep your upside-down catfish in a ten-gallon fish tank or larger. A twenty to twenty-nine gallon tank is much better.
Upside-down catfish range in the middle and top ranges of an established home aquarium.
Water pH
Your upside-down catfish will do best in a tank with a pH between 6 and 7.5.
Water Parameters
Nitrates in your aquarium should remain below 40 at all times. The upside-down catfish is sensitive to ammonia; keep levels of this toxic compound as low as possible.
As a tropical fish, the upside-down catfish will generally do best at a temperature between 75 and 82 degrees.
Provide your upside-down catfish with a well-planted tank with plenty of roots or driftwood. Java moss, amazon sword and java fern are all good choices for live plants.
Social Behavior
Maintain a school of at least three upside-down catfish. They are social animals and do best in large groups. As a peaceful, non-territorial species, the upside-down catfish can thrive in a complex community aquarium.
The upside-down catfish's favorite food is black mosquito larvae, but it will also accept bloodworm, tubifex and tablet foods. Your upside-down catfish may accept small amounts of flake food.
No domesticated strains of upside-down catfish exist, although some black mutations occur naturally in the wild.

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