10 Facts About Australian Rainbowfish

Australian rainbow fish are stunningly beautiful, so they are popular choices for stocking home aquariums. While some species of Australian rainbowfish are surprisingly hardy, others require carefully maintained water parameters and specialized care.

The most common Australian rainbowfish in the home aquarium include the Australian red-tailed rainbowfish, the dwarf rainbowfish and the threadfin rainbowfish.
Know these 10 interesting facts about Australian rainbowfish if you are interested in keeping them in your own fish tank.
1. Australian rainbowfish are closely related to the tropical marine rainbowfish that populate the saltwater ecosystems around Australia and Oceana. True freshwater fish are rare in Australia, and the fish have entered freshwater streams over hundreds of years.
2. In general, Australian rainbowfish do best when trace amounts of salt are added to the water. While they can survive in brackish-water ecosystems, high salt levels are not ideal.
3. Newly hatched Australian rainbowfish fry accept very fine grades of live food. Baby brine shrimp, artemia and daphnia are ideal.
4. Female Australian rainbowfish have shorter fins and duller coloration than males.
5. The tiny Australian rainbowfish Pseudomugil signatus remains guppy-sized throughout life, but teh red-tailed rainbowfish may grow to 4 inches or more.
6. Australian rainbowfish live primarily around North-Eastern coast of Australia, including the fresh and brackish-water streams of Queensland.
7. Because Australian rainbowfish are hardy and can survive a wide temperature range, they have the capacity to become a dangerous invasive species in the U.S. never-- ever--- release Australian rainbowfish or any other species into the wild.
8. Related freshwater species that are similar to Australian rainbowfish live in Madagascar, Mexico and Cuba.
9. The closest relatives of freshwater Australian rainbowfish populate the Great Barrier Reef. Saltwater species are generally larger than their inland cousins.
10. Ideal tankmates for Australian rainbowfish include mollies, guppies, swordtails and other salt-tolerant livebearers. Several species of gourami, barb and tetra can also thrive in a tank with Australian rainbowfish.

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